Sometimes the problems in our lives seem really big, and we seem very small; they are too powerful, and we are too weak; they appear so complicated, and we are lost. At least, I’ve felt that way before. Have you?
What do you do? Give up? Quit? Try…but know you’re going to fail? Maybe there is a better way.
The Israelites faced a truly big, powerful and complicated problem. And I think we should respond to the issues in our lives the way they did.
The problem they faced was people. Specifically, they had been promised this wonderful place to settle, to raise their families, to live forever. The problem was the place was occupied already by very big, strong, very well armed people. Victory for the Israelites seemed impossible.
One generation believed it was impossible. They doubted God’s protection and provision, and as a result they all had to die. Once that happened (it took 40 years!) the next generation was ready to trust God and attempt the impossible.
They believed God…trusted God…and entered the Promised Land! There they encountered the people in their cities, fought them and had victory over them. The land was theirs.
Hundreds of years later the psalmist wrote about this event. This was a proud and glorious moment in Israel’s past. It was a point to brag about; or at least the psalmist could have done this. But he did not. He recognized and recorded in his psalm for us to read, the source and reason for their success over the problem.
“For they [the Israelites] did not take the land by their sword – their arm did not bring them victory – but by Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your face, for You were pleased with them.” (Psalm 44:3)
God provided the victory! The truth is: the problem was impossible…for the Israelites. The settled people were too big, too powerful and too well entrenched for the Israelites to conquer.
But what was impossible for man was a snap for God!
And it is always this way…even in your life. God is all powerful. He can do anything He desires. The question is not: “Can He do what seems impossible to me?” The real question is: “Will He do the impossible for me?”
And the answer is: “Yes! He certainly will…if one thing is true.”
It was true during this time in the life of the Israelites. And it can be true in your life as well. What is “it?” Simply this:
God was pleased.
The psalmist wrote it this way: “…for You were pleased with them [the Israelites].” Because God was pleased with them, He went to bat for them. He stepped into their impossible situation and brought the victory. This is better than having the ultimate clean-up hitter on your baseball team; or than having a powerful big brother to ward off the bully!
When God is pleased with you or me, He acts mightily on our behalf.
Our choice is the same as the Israelites faced. Do we trust God? Do we believe He not only has the ability, but also the desire to intercede for us? Do we step into the impossible situation where He is leading? Or do we doubt Him, become scared, and flee from the opportunity before us?
Trust God. Please God. And your impossible become a success. Your impossible becomes a victory. Your impossible is defeated and stands for eternity as a reminder not of your strength, but of God’s strength and of your faith in Him!
Is He pleased with you today?
If He is, then whatever mountain you are facing just become a molehill! In faith and trust, step over it…and continue on!